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Riding in the South Burnett


Updated: Jan 31, 2019

Part of South Burnett Mountain Bike Club's mission is to promote off road cycling in the beautiful South Burnett Region. So from time to time we will post a ride that does just that.

This ride starts in Wooroolin on the South Burnett Rail Trail. Leaving Wooroolin we travelled through backroads (both bitumen and dirt) to west of Tingoora. West of Tinny there are a few hills to climb before the ride rolls into Wondai. Leaving Wondai the ride enters the Wondai Mountain Bike Trails in McEuen State Forestry, before climbing out of the Tingoora valley back to Wooroolin. Total distance approximately 55kms. Elevation around 650m. Difficulty Rating (for me) 7/10.

Setting off early from Wooroolin we headed north along the South Burnett Rail Trail.

Turning left off the Rail Trail at Woods Road we started the first climb of the day. Great view looking west.

Riding north now along Dunfords Road. Peanuts on the right and the beautiful red soil of the South Burnett on the left.

The second climb of the morning along Pedersons Road was less intense. The great thing about hills is the view from the top.

Pedersons Road turns into McAllisters Rd and the views just got better.

McAllisters Road looking towards Mount McEuen.

After a nice little trundle along Cushnie Road we turned into Jorgensens Road and the climbing started again. This one hurt a bit.

Sorry about the quality but from the top of the next hill on Red Hill Road breathing was the priority. Looking east and a downhill run to Wondai.

Through Wondai along the Rail Trail again before we headed into the Wondai Mountain Bike Trails in McEuen Forestry.

Yep you guessed it, one more hill on the Tingoora Charlestown Road.

Nice little loop with a bit of everything.

Fun in the sun. Nice little training ride that.



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